Friday, April 15, 2011

i was made for sunny days

i was made for sunny days
And the streets filled with umbrellas  and we all looked the same.  But I'm the one whose waiting  'till the sun comes out again. Billabong romper, a beautiful african book, eternal sunshine, sunlight, flowers, nature, seashell hand-drawn watermelon/ butterfly earrings  *** It's officially su…

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

forget all you technicolor dreams

forget all you technicolor dreams
forget mother nature, because this is the way it is meant to be... Polo & Racquet Club Black Bowtie Flats, rolled up denim shorts, thrifted colorful white summer hoodie, wooden string bracelets, blue philippines ceramics necklace, side ponytail  *** How to describe my day? Ran errands, ran to scho…

Sunday, April 10, 2011

i've been going round and round, up and down...

i've been going round and round, up and down...
my rule for home outfits - 3 "Cs" and an "S": comfortable, casual, simple and cute stripey blue tee ("fun fun!"), hair bun, freudian slip when attempting to write 'frustration' for contract law,  trying to look intelligent in my roommate's black nerd glasses

Saturday, April 9, 2011

hey moon, please forget to fall down, don't you go down...

hey moon, please forget to fall down, don't you go down...
If all our life is but a dream Fantastic posing greed Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea For diamonds do appear to be Just like broken glass to me strawberry nails - red/green/pink/clear nail lacquer (apply in order, triple coat for color) *** Do you ever have days where you just spend am till…