Have you ever struggled with underarm hair? Or too much hair anywhere, for that matter? I know I have. One of the biggest problems I have with my body is that I can't get rid of my underarm hair, no matter how much I shave. I recently decided to take the plunge and try laser hair removal at Oxford, because I found a lovely clinic called
Bare UK.
A bit about Bare UK- run by Julie, the clinic specialises in laser hair removal as well as fat removal and skin tightening procedures. Bare UK is located at Oxford City Centre and is convenient for students and residents who live in Oxford. The clinic is affordable and offers the highest-quality service out there, and best of all, their laser equipment is pain-free and super advanced!
Having said that, I did not know what to expect when I went to my first session (after the patch test). I ventured into the clinic and was welcomed by a friendly reception team plus saw all of Julie's lovely certificates. Her waiting room was super comfortable and chic too!

As you can see, the clinic is really convenient and students even get a 10% discount if they have a student card. This means that if you're in Oxford and want to try laser hair removal, Bare UK is going to be affordable and well worth it. Julie is highly trained and has many years of experience in the industry, and she welcomed me into her clinic. Julie was super friendly and talked me through the procedure, and reassured me that everything was going to be fine.
I was a bit scared of the pain as I've never done anything like this before. But Julie told me that her laser was extremely pain-free and designed to cause as little sensation as possible when removing your hair. This means that all her clients talk about how pain-free the procedure is! I felt really safe and relieved when I heard this. Usually, laser hair removal is made out to be painful but honestly, I heard great things about Bare UK.
Julie then explained how the hair goes through three cycles: the anagen phase (where the hair grows); the catagen phase (where the hair rests); and the telogen phase (where the hair falls out). She told me that we have to wait for the hairs to cycle into the anagen phase [to use the laser] because that’s when they’re most susceptible to being killed and that phase recycles every six weeks. That is when you're supposed to make the next appointment.

The machine that the clinic uses is a Motus AY by DEKA, which is one of the best laser hair removal machines you can find. It offers hair removal without pain and also works for all types of skin. Of course, this procedure works best for people with dark hair and light skin, but if you want, Bare offers a patch test that can be discounted towards your treatment if you want to see whether your skin is suitable. I was asked to wear a pair of sunglasses to protect my eyes. I was then asked to lay down so that Julie can work on my underarms.

The procedure was quick and pain-free, and took around 15 minutes to complete both armpits. If you want to laser other parts of the body, it might take a bit longer. However, the underarm was quick to treat. Julie applied some cooling gel to the area and started to work the laser to the hair follicles. I felt a bit tingly and heard some noises, but couldn't feel anything at all. There was no shock or pain. I can hear the laser working, and it was actually quite comfortable! Julie worked on one part of the skin at a time, and the whole process was incredibly quick.
I couldn't even feel anything at one point, but I noticed that I could feel the laser working on my skin. It is honestly a pretty pleasant experience!
Just another note about Bare UK- the clinic was lovely, clean and bright. It also had a lovely view of Christchurch Meadow and the buildings around it. I could also see that there's a bus stop outside, so it's really convenient to travel to! Of course, the beautiful clinic enhanced my experience at the clinic and definitely calmed my nerves.
Here are some videos of me receiving the laser hair removal treatment. It is completely painless and super simple! It feels cool and a little bit tingly, but I felt absolutely no pain at all.
The Results
You have to wait at least a week or more after your first session before you notice hair falling out. This means that the laser has worked to damage the roots of the hair follicle and it will naturally shed itself. Indeed, it truly started to happen and I was so amazed!
This was what my armpit looked like after 1 session having gone without a shave in a week. It's pretty amazing isn't it? There's absolutely no regrowth and the small hairs growing out are part of the next cycle of hairs that are meant to be zapped away by the next session. I know it still looks a bit dark but trust me, the hairs that were there were a hundred times thicker!
I have to go back for 4-5 more treatments to ensure that all the hairs are treated, but so far I am extremely happy with the results!
Overall, I had a fantastic experience at Bare UK and would highly recommend Julie to anyone who wants to try laser hair removal in Oxford. Her clinic is absolutely lovely and convenient, and the service was honestly the best. I am so pleased with the results after one session. I've noticed a huge difference already, and can't wait to show you what happens when I complete my course of treatment over the next few months. I will do an updated post about what my underarm looks like at the end.
Thank you for reading and make sure to check out Bare UK!
Website: https://bareuk.co.uk
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