Thursday, February 12, 2015

A trip to romantic, romantic Paris

A trip to romantic, romantic Paris
I went to Paris this weekend for a small getaway with two of my friends Michelle and Cheri. We were being very silly and awesome in Paris, taking lots of beautiful and fashionable pictures. I've also visited Laduree, the macaroon store and had their fantastic hot chocolate. It's lovely, the…

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ball dresses featurette

Ball dresses featurette
Have you ever been to any balls? Any good recommendations? I'd like to feature some dresses from random shops I found  today - because one day, we're all going to inevitably walk attend a formal event someday  with an amazing dress on! I've been a very big eBay addict lately, maybe becaus…

Friday, January 23, 2015

4Vision Classe Brown- Circle Lens Review

4Vision Classe Brown- Circle Lens Review
It's yet another cold and grey day, so I'm going to spice things up by doing a mini-review of something I got recently. I'm really excited to be reviewing the 4Vision Classe Brown lens from today! They're a really great shop that sells an amazing range of circle len…

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tinkers of Snow

Tinkers of Snow
It's been absolutely freezing in the last couple of days, so much that I've stopped going out. I don't know what it is about my second year of university, but I've been more withdrawn, less social and more… well… hermit-like. It's okay in a way, but I miss the parties and the la…