Friday, August 11, 2023

The Post-COVID Life: Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us found solace in nature and turned to houseplants as a means of bringing the outdoors inside. From Instagram feeds filled with lush greenery to online plant shopping sprees, the plant trend flourished during the lockdown. However, as the world gradually emerges from the grips of the pandemic and life returns to some semblance of normalcy, it seems that the plant trend has lost its luster. So, what caused this sudden decline in our love affair with houseplants?

Post-COVID Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted, plant trends 2023, post covid plant trend, plant trend dying, new trends 2023, new style trends 2023, plant trending

1. Shift in Priorities:

With restrictions easing and social activities resuming, people are finding themselves with less time and energy to devote to plant care. The demands of returning to work, socializing, and pursuing hobbies that were put on hold during the lockdown have taken precedence. As a result, the once-nurtured plants are left neglected, causing them to wither and eventually fade from our homes.

Post-COVID Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted, plant trends 2023, post covid plant trend, plant trend dying, new trends 2023, new style trends 2023, plant trending

2. Outdoor Allure:

After being cooped up indoors for months, the newfound freedom of outdoor adventures and travel has enticed people away from their plant-filled sanctuaries. The desire to explore nature in its raw form, with hikes, beach trips, and outdoor picnics, has taken center stage. As the call of the wild beckons, our indoor plant collections have taken a backseat.

3. Burnout and Overwhelm:

For many, the pandemic brought with it a surge in new hobbies and activities, including plant parenting. However, as we settle into a post-pandemic routine, the enthusiasm that once fueled our plant obsession has waned. The demands of maintaining a burgeoning plant collection, along with the pressures of work and personal life, have left us feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. The time-consuming nature of plant care has proven to be a challenge for those seeking a more balanced lifestyle.

Post-COVID Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted, plant trends 2023, post covid plant trend, plant trend dying, new trends 2023, new style trends 2023, plant trending

4. Aesthetic Saturation:

During the height of the plant trend, social media platforms were flooded with images of perfectly styled plant-filled homes. The allure of these picture-perfect spaces enticed many to join the movement. However, as the trend became saturated, the novelty wore off. The constant exposure to curated plant aesthetics led to a sense of monotony and a desire to seek out new and unique design elements for our living spaces.

Post-COVID Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted, plant trends 2023, post covid plant trend, plant trend dying, new trends 2023, new style trends 2023, plant trending

5. Green Thumb Reality Check:

Not everyone possesses a natural green thumb, and the initial enthusiasm for plant care may have revealed a lack of confidence or knowledge in successfully nurturing plants. The reality of failed attempts and struggling greenery may have discouraged some from continuing their plant journey.

Post-COVID Why the Plant Trend Has Wilted, plant trends 2023, post covid plant trend, plant trend dying, new trends 2023, new style trends 2023, plant trending

While the plant trend enjoyed its heyday during the COVID-19 lockdown, the end of the pandemic has brought about a decline in its popularity. The shift in priorities, the allure of outdoor activities, burnout, aesthetic saturation, and the reality of plant care challenges have all contributed to the fading interest in houseplants.

However, this doesn't mean that the love for plants has completely disappeared. For many, the plant trend was a temporary phase, but there will always be a place for nature's touch in our homes. As the seasons change and trends evolve, new forms of interior design inspiration will undoubtedly take root in our hearts and homes.


  1. This was such an interesting read. It can be hard to keep up with pandemic hobbies once the responsibilities of day to day life return!
    the creation of beauty is art.


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